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       感謝主!帶領「蔡淑娟小姐博士門企劃策展團隊」、還有我們嘉基這次的六十周年紀念系列活動的籌備小組和企劃室同仁等執行夥伴們,不眠不休的執行這個嘉基最重要的歷史紀錄任務。完成這一本「踏在愛的第二里路|嘉義基督教醫院六十年愛的傳承」。在短短時間內完成了這個不可能的任務。更藉由現代網路平台科技的運用,透過手機QR Code手機聯結上網路平台、讓這本紀念專書成為「一本活的書」,讓上帝在嘉基的恩典痕跡可以不斷述說紀錄下去。
       多年來嘉基醫院許多基督徒的醫療人員、國外的宣教護士及傳教士,以努力「做上帝忠心的管家」的職志,「用心」、讓雲嘉民眾都能享受到高品質的醫療服務。「用愛」來照顧院內及院外偏鄉社區病患,並進而傳達美好的福音。而醫院內更多非基督徒的醫護人員,也在充滿「愛」的環境,除貢獻醫療專業外,更是用「真心」對待患者,使得醫院中傳頌著許多愛的故事。數十年來嘉基醫院無圍牆全人照護的工作結合社區教會的力量,除關懷院內及院外病患外,也關心院內所有的同仁,院內常可看到充滿歡樂及活力的教友身影。而隨著嘉基醫院的成長與茁壯,從 一九九六年開始,嘉基醫院已有能力組成醫療宣道隊赴寮國短宣,並於一九九六年成立宣教部,致力於海內外醫療宣教。一九九六、一九九七年再成立「暹邏園(泰勞服務中心)」及嘉基「菲勞福音中心」,除關懷旅居台灣的外籍移工、配偶及留學生外,更是多次組織醫療團隊至中國大陸、菲律賓、泰國、越南、緬甸等地進行海外義診服務,將愛在海外蔓延。
       這次嘉基在六十周年的院慶中,除了一系列的慶祝活動外,更期望能有一個屬於全院同仁及紀念的專書,讓大家可以回顧過去、看到現在及展望未來。筆者因為一○六年嘉義市文化局的「愛在諸羅:嘉義醫療故事展」的策展,有幸認識嘉基這個充滿「愛」與「關懷」的醫院,因此受託規劃本專書時,便想到以「策展」的方式呈現,除從「愛的故事」策展理念出發,讓專書有限的文字及篇幅承載嘉基六十年愛的記憶外,並且藉助成熟的QR Code(二維掃描)的方式,讓無限的網路平台中,連結嘉基人的影像、文件及老照片等,看到嘉基大家庭的每一份子在不同的工作中,踏在「愛的第二里路」無私奉獻的過去與進行式中的現在。
 Chia-Yi Christian Hospital (CYCH) was established in 1958 by Dr. Marcy Leroy Ditmanson, a missionary from Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United State who conducted his missionary work through medical services in the remote areas in Yunlin-Chiayi region. CYCH becomes the largest educational hospital in the region with a total of 1,077 sickbeds and over 3,000 employees after six decades of hard work. The hospital provides over 40 specialist services with an average of over 4,110 appointments every day. The constant improvements and upgrading of the medical equipment and technology in CYCH enable the hospital to offer high-quality medical services to the public in Yunlin-Chiayi area.   

Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell and Dr. George Leslie Macay were two of the influencers for the rise of Gospel Christianity and missionary work in Taiwan through their passionate medical missionary works. While ample of challenges were faced during the initial stage of the works due to cultural differences, Christian Hospital has currently been widely accepted and respected by the public after the witness of God's love through giving medical services. The contribution of CYCH over the past decades serves as a significant role in the history of the medical field in Chiayi.

Believing in being the "Servants of the Lord", many Christian medical teams, foreign missionary nurses and evangelists devote themselves in providing the highest quality of medical care for patients at the remote areas of Chiayi region. During their period of service, they constantly spread the Gospel messages and love of God, which also contribute to the warmth of the hospital. The constant heart-warming environment of the hospital further enables the medical officers, both the Christian and the non-Christian medical personnel, to deliver better service to the patients. The care towards people goes beyond the boundary of the hospital. Bringing together the neighbourhood churches, CYCH does not only show concern for the patients but also ensure the welfare of the medical staffs. It is a common scene to have energetic church members in the hospital to spread their love and care. 

The constant growth and expansion of CYCH enable the hospital to outreach to the underprivileged in other countries. CYCH initiated its first overseas medical expenditure to Laos in 1992. In 1996, Department of Missions was set up to promote domestic and overseas medical missionary initiatives. The team conducted outreach to countries such as Mainland China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar, to provide medical care and to spread the love of God. In 1996 and 1997, Suan Siam Thai Gospel Center and Amazing Grace Church Filipino Gospel Center were established to show the solicitude to foreign workers and spouses working in Taiwan. 

Learning from the past which the western doctors provided medical missions in less developed areas in Taiwan, the Churches and Christian hospitals in Taiwan begin to carry out their own cross-cultural missionary work overseas once they have the capability. To mitigate the challenges during these overseas expenditures and to empower more people to engage in the missionary work, the first School for Medical Mission, a non-profit organization, was established in 2014. The school provides Gospel training for medical staffs and basic medical training for general Christians. It becomes the platform and training ground for cross-cultural missionary work through its three pillars - medical services, missionary work and education.

The love of God empowers the development and expansion of CYCH to its scale today.  Under the leadership of the past presidents and managers, the hospital overcomes all the challenges faced and progress steadily towards a medical centre. CYCH continues to strive to provide quality medical care and effective hospital management with its foundation of six decades of experience. The constant upgrade in the education and research field are also measures of the hospital to yearn the state as a medical centre.
In the celebration of 60th anniversary of CYCH, there is an anticipation of a publication to reminisce the stories and history of CYCH. As the curator of "Love in Tirosen: History of Medicine in Chiayi", an exhibition by Chiayi City Cultural Affairs Bureau in 2017, I am honoured to be invited as the author for Second Mile of Love. With the curatorial concept of "The Stories of Love" to record the sixty years of remembrance, the publication of Second Mile of Love includes the physical publication and the digital curation. The QR code in this book connects the readers to the digital medium which contains a wilder collection of old photos, documents and videos. The online platform constantly showcases the dedication of past and present CYCH family in their respective job scope and their selfless contribution along the second mile of love.

It is my personal hope for readers to understand the belief of CYCH - "one can only see the needs of people when there is love". Through the presentation of historical events, one can witness how CYCH overcomes the challenges over the years through its belief of love. In my journey of information collection, I am not only touched by the long history of CYCH and further understand the belief of "Faith, Hope and Love" in Christianity. The dedication of Christian medical personnel in loving the individuals and the underprivileged is inspiring and is also a reflection of the love of God towards everyone.